Sunday, February 17, 2008

Well DONE! =)

There have been two great accomplishments made recently in the Drummond family! One big one - Dustin got a job! HURRAH!!! We are all super excited for him. He starts in two weeks (March 3rd) Many Congrats, we know its been a long, tough wait.

The other accomplishment is the painting of the DD house. It now has a fresh coat of paint. Although the blue siding remains the cream with dark brown triming looks rather good! Great job, Dan! 

PS: In case you do not know how to pronounce mom's name the following might help. But don't worry if you still can't seem to say her name correctly because neither can she! (wink)

1 comment:

Joe King said...

I'm glad you got a picture of the cup... I thought about it after I threw it away.