We came to the cabin in the woods by chance
The Drummond clan gathered just to do that chicken dance
To Helen Georgia the clan they did come
With rafting, tubing, and mini-golf; we had fun
We talked and we laughed our sides they did hurt
A few were missing, Patricia, she’s such a flirt.
The great clan master lead the way
He hopes he’ll be a grandpa someday.
Mother was here but not in body or mind.
Thanks to mother she bought us the wine.
Melissa and Steven brought much to the table
We all contributed; even roger with his fables.
Doug and Jessica got us this place and took care of the rent
Amazing how such 1 small ball can leave such a big dent.
The mountains we climb one step at a time
We played pennies for keeps, we should of used dimes.
Tired and wornout, most of us are over the hill
Spry in our old age; “does anyone have a spare blue pill?”
We climbed the mountains a huffin and puffin
Our feasts were like thanksgiving, just lacking the stuffing.
Bill was on food patrol, no food was allowed to sit too long
We all watched “so you think you can dance” and sang with the songs
The wii game of tennis and bowling was a big hit
The dinners were great they came in a kit.
We ate and we ate, bill was the food nazi by choice
Not really sure but; “eat shit and die” may be grounds for divorce.
Nephews, nieces, uncles and aunts; we all wear different hats
In the woods if you listen closely you can hear bill say “are you going to recycle that?”
The stairs we stepped and not a step was missed
Steven went a leaping and a rock he did kiss
Unlike as kids our words to each other were oh so kind
Trapsing in the woods 1 geo cache we did find.
The weather was perfect we had a wonderful summer.
The juries still out in who acted dumber.
The hot tub was cozy, quaint and a chance to get away
The cares of the world just memories we all just wanted to stay.
Our packing all done, our time together must come to an end
The Drummond clan came together and we left as friends.
It was loads of fun!
But you really couldn't put a real picture of the cabin up? You make it look like we had a ghetto cabin. LOL
Dan, I know that you are new to the computer, but there is a "special" key, just to the left of the "A". Pushing it make "little letters" happen almost magically.
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